
Roblox API Scanner

I made this project specifically for Roblox puzzling. Usually, when you do Roblox puzzles, sometimes there would be a puzzle that involves messing around with the API, which is admittedly annoying because the traditional method required you to go to each API page, and input numbers in it.

Not cool.

So I made this project, which basically simplifies API Scanning to just inputting an ID, then it will automatically scrape ALL (documented) APIs related to it.


Instructions are provided in the github page.

Glaceon Bot

I made a bot (named qlaceon) also for puzzling. It has quite the functions, some allowing you to puzzle even on your mobile. This helps especially in web puzzle (using the /link_check command, which takes an input of a website and outputs the HTML code / page source of the website) and Roblox puzzles (using the /universeid and /robloxplaces, allowing you to gain information about a game).

As of right now, this bot is strictly private to servers that have Glaceon Bot added, but if you’re in one of those servers you can invite it to your own server.